3 research outputs found

    Protein quality changes of vegan day menus with different plant protein source compositions

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    To underline the importance of protein quality in plant-based diets, we estimated the protein quality of different exclusively plant-protein-based day menus that are based on the “planetary health diet” developed by the EAT-Lancet Commission. PDCAAS and DIAAS were used to estimate the protein quality (PQ) and fulfilling of the amino acid recommendation for adults in vegan daily menus based on the planetary health diet: 2 days with only low-quality (LQ) protein sources and 2 days with low + high-quality (HQ) protein sources. The protein quality of Day 1LQ (DIAAS 76, PDCAAS 88) was increased by the addition of high-quality protein sources (HQPS): Day 1HQ (DIAAS 94, PDCAAS 98). Day 2LQ had a low PQ (DIAAS 71, PDCAAS 74), but when HQPS were used (Day 2HQ), the PQ increased (DIAAS 83, PDCAAS 88). Scenarios (day 1HQ, day 1LQ, and day 2 HQ) were classified as of good PQ. However, day 1LQ had a low protein quality. Consuming HQPS in a vegan diet can help to fulfil the recommendation of essential amino acids. This work served to understand and apply methods to estimate protein quality that can be applied to optimize protein mixtures to fulfil amino acid requirements in the future

    Roboter Charlie zu Besuch in der Schule

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    Um Kinder beim Erlernen überfachlicher Kompetenzen zu unterstützen, haben Forschende der Berner Fachhochschule einen humanoiden Roboter in zwei Primarschulklassen eingesetzt. Dabei konnten sie wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion sammeln. Diese helfen, digitale Ansätze im Gesundheitswesen umzusetzen

    Wie ein Roboter Kindern hilft, ihren Stress zu bewältigen

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    Zusammen mit Partnern aus den Niederlanden und der Schweiz startete die Berner Fachhochschule (BFH) 2021 ein von Innosuisse unterstütztes Projekt: Während knapp drei Jahren wird eine digitale Lösung entwickelt und erprobt, um das soziale sowie psychische Wohlbefinden von Schulkindern zu fördern